5 Reasons You Need an Aim

What’s an Aim? Your Aim is your master goal for your life. It’s the story of your life in your imagination, looking back from the future. The answer to the question “what do you want to be when you grow up?” It’s the star that we steer by as we navigate the seas of life […]

One Acupuncture Treatment Drops Blood Pressure For Over a Month Without Medication

Article by April McCarthy Emerging evidence from a research study shows acupuncture may be an effective treatment for hypertension. Acupuncture regulates blood pressure, blood flow and body temperature. Patients with hypertension treated with acupuncture experienced drops in their blood pressure that lasted up to a month and a half, researchers with the Susan Samueli Center […]

Acupuncture Found Superior To Drug for Neck Disc Pain

Reposted from HealthCMI.com Acupuncture is found more effective than drug therapy for the treatment of neck disc herniations. This disorder is characterized by neck pain, numbness and/or weakness that often radiates towards the hands. Researchers compared electroacupuncture with the medication Meloxicam and discovered that electroacupuncture is more effective in both the short and long-term for the […]

Fat Does Not Make You Fat | Dr. Mark Hyman

If you’re feeling completely confused about whether you should cut fat from your diet, you are not alone.  But here’s the bottom line: fat does not make you fat or sick. 

The Pulses: Strategy for Reducing Stress’s Effect on the Kidneys

This is an article from Acupuncture Today about stress management.

You Are A Radical, And So Am I: Paleo Reaches The Ominous “Stage 3″

By J. Stanton | June 15th, 2011 Reposted from gnolls.org As the Mahatma Gandhi once said: “First, they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.” The paleo movement grew slowly for many years in the obscurity of Stage 1, and spent perhaps a year in Stage 2 being […]

Chopped Liver

Chopped Liver?  Really, James?  Can it get any worse than liver? Well, beside the fact that liver is loaded with vitamins, I think its a taste that you can learn to love.  Like coffee, for instance.  Do you remember the first time you tasted coffee as a child?  Yeah, bitter yuck! Anyway, those of you […]

The Sociopath Next Door – By Martha Stout

The Sociopath Next Door, by Martha Stout enticed me to sign up for an account with audible.com last summer.  The audiobook is narrated by Shelly Frasier, and the audio quality is excellent. I found this book to be an excellent introduction to a topic that I consider to be one of the keys to understanding […]

Your Brain On Ketones: How a High-fat Diet Can Help the Brain Work Better

Emily Deans Psychology Today Mon, 18 Apr 2011 07:06 CDT The modern prescription of high carbohydrate, low fat diets and eating snacks between meals has coincided with an increase in obesity, diabetes, and and increase in the incidence of many mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. In addition, many of these disorders […]